Whether you are just about to graduate college or you have been out for a few years, there’s a good chance you’re carrying some amount of student loan debt. It seems that news headlines are regularly pointing out that the nation’s graduates are suffering from the stress of student debt. Moreover, that pressure can be even worse for those who are looking to buy a home and start putting some roots down in the local community.
Buying a New Home? Here’s Why Mortgage Pre-Approval Should Be Your First Step
Are you thinking about buying a new house, condo or apartment? Whether you are upgrading, downsizing or investing, if you intend on borrowing the funds you’ll need to be pre-approved for a mortgage. In today’s blog post we’ll explore mortgage pre-approval and why this should be one of your first steps in buying a new home.
Go Big or Go Home: 3 Reasons Why Your First Home Should Be a Spacious One
Buying a home for the first time? One of the key considerations you’ll need to make is just how much ‘house’ you want to buy. While going minimal might seem like a good idea to save on costs, having a smaller living space can end up cramping your lifestyle in many ways. Let’s take a look at three great reasons why your first home should be roomy, spacious and luxurious.
Four Mistakes to Avoid When Making an Offer for Your Dream Home
You’ve scoured the new home listings, been to all the open houses and have finally found the home of your dreams. It is now time to draft an offer and begin the negotiation process. Below we’ll share four mistakes that you will want to avoid when making an offer on your dream home.
Real Estate Negotiations: 3 Tricks That You Can Use to Ensure Yours Is the Winning Bid
You’ve toured through a number of listings, attended all the open houses and have found your potential new dream home. Now the hard part begins, especially if you’re working against other buyers who are keen on getting the same home as you. Let’s take a look at three tricks that you can use to make sure the bid you submit on a home is the one that wins.
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