When you are considering purchasing a home , understanding the lending guidelines regarding a down payment is important.
Here are a few key tips to consider:
When you are considering purchasing a home , understanding the lending guidelines regarding a down payment is important.
Here are a few key tips to consider:
The economy seems to be heating up rapidly, but home loan interest rates are still at historically low levels. Real estate values have climbed a bit across the country, but low interest rates and affordable prices makes for an excellent opportunity for new homeowners to get into their first home before it rates and prices rise higher.
Whether you are purchasing a new home or you are considering applying to refinance your home, chances are the lender will require an escrow account.
Refinancing a mortgage is a golden opportunity to lock in today’s low interest rate for the next 15 or 30 years.
Homeowners insurance and title insurance may not be the only kinds of insurance you need when you buy a home.
Reliant Home Lending
8550 United Plaza Boulevard Suite 702
Baton Rouge, LA 70809