When trying to decide what to do, compare the cost of refinancing with what it would cost you in additional interest to hold on to your existing loan. While the breakdown is different for every borrower, generally, you’ll need to keep your current house and loan for anywhere from three to six years to break even on the costs of refinancing.
The Pros and Cons of A Fixed Rate Second Mortgage vs. Opening a Home Equity Line of Credit
If you’re looking at paying off debt and are re-considering the equity in your home, here are a few things you’ll need to know about refinancing your mortgage and home equity lines of credit.
HARP Refinancing Ends in 2016: Here’s How to Take Advantage Before It’s Gone
If you haven’t heard of HARP refinancing and you’re a homeowner who’s looking for a lower interest rate, this may be the right solution to your payment woes. Instead of letting the opportunity blow by, here’s all you need to know before this option ends in 2016.
A Guide to Financing Home Improvements and How Mortgage Refinancing Can Help
If you’re planning to remodel or renovate your home in the near future – whether to provide a better living environment or as part of a house flip – you’ll need to find a way to pay for your home improvements. There are several different possible sources of renovation money, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. One option that is gaining popularity is mortgage refinancing.
Refinancing This Winter? Follow These 5 Expert Tips to Get the Most from Your Mortgage
Refinancing a mortgage is a great way to take advantage of historically low interest rates or change your payment terms to be more affordable. And with interest rates at historical lows, there’s never been a better time to refinance your mortgage.